Alumni commitee

Alumni committee 2022 - 2023


Alumni committee

Hannah van Vliet (2019) Chairwoman
Sanne Heesbeen (2019) Vice-chairwoman / Secretary
Jorrit Hofstra (2018) Treasurer
Richtje Hotsma (2020) Member

Hi dear KIC members!

We are the alumni committee, also known as the senior committee. We have all been with KIC for a few years so we have a lot of experience to organise the best activities. This year, together with these toppers, I am organising four activities for KIC's alumni members and former board members:  

(from left to right)
Sanne is the committee secretary and has seen many a committee at KIC. Through her creative brain, we hope to organise many unique activities with a fun twist this year.

Richtje is the chief of our social media account (@svkic_alumni) and thus provides great posts and keeps alumni members up-to-date on our activities. 

Jorrit is the money man and this suits him perfectly as KIC's former treasurer. 

Finally, I, Hannah, get to lead the alumni committee in the right direction as chairwoman this year and hope to bring KIC's lovely club of people and alumni members even closer together. 

Much love on behalf of the alumni committee,

Hannah van Vliet