Frequently asked questions
Do you have a question regarding corona?
Please contact Femke Loykens (chair of Study Association KIC) by calling or emailing her voorzitter@svkic.nl.
How do I become a member of study association KIC?
Becoming a member of KIC is very simple: go to this page, fill in your personal details, pay online through iDeal and then you’re a member!
How do I activate my account?
Your account can be activated through the activation link that you’ll receive by email. If you haven’t received this mail then send and email to secretaris@svkic.nl, or stop by at the KIC-office.
How can I see the pictures of the activities?
In the menu; go to About KIC > Media > photo-albums. Here you’ll find all the pictures sorted by the name of the activity. In order to see the pictures you’ll have to log in with your KIC-account
How do the committees work?
At the beginning of the school year the committees will be divided. These committees will work that following year on the tasks of that specific committee. For instance: the wintersport committee organizes the wintersport trip, the yearbook committee creates the annual yearbook and Studio KIC creates all the posters, aftermovies, pictures and other promotion material for the association. Go to
About KIC > Committees to check out all the committees!
How do I sign out from Study association KIC?
Send an email to secretaris@svkic.nl with your full name to end your membership at KIC. Your membership is officially ended when you receive a written notice from the secretary. Beware of the following: if you sign out after the first of September, you’ll still be a member that following year and your membership will still have to be payed.