
Establishmentstory of Study Association KIC told by Peter Engelageβ
Setting up something for students, by students, for students was the task of three teachers from the Institute for Communication & Media (ICM, now CMI): Bartho Smit, Joost Eskes and Anet De Greef-Doornbos. I was approached in March 2006 by Bartho that a number of teachers would like to see extracurricular activities within the Institute that would be organized by students themselves. He asked me if this was not something for me and that it could be in the form of a third-year internship.
Together with Jesca Akkerman and Ingmar van Ast, I did a research during a third-year internship into setting up something by, for and by students within the Institute. We already started preliminary research in the summer of 2006. In our first weeks of research we visited a number of study associations, but also a foundation and a company (other forms than an association). We also collected the necessary communication theory and conducted a survey among students. Naturally, all of this also had to be worked out in an internship report. All the research results showed that there was support for a study association.
No association was yet active within the Institute. SVOB (now Commotie) of the Business Communication study (now CIW) at the RUG already recruited members, but did not organize any special activities for HBO students. However, they did receive annual money from the Institute. We had the ambition to set up an institute association, so for all study options within our Institute (at the time there were 4 study options).
Now that it was known that we wanted to set up a study association, we naturally had to meet a number of conditions. For example, statutes (rules) had to be laid down by a notary. Of course we also had to come up with a name and that was not easy. After many brainstorming sessions (often also with Bartho, Joost and Anet), Joost suggested simply using an abbreviation which "sounds nice": "for example KIC"! We all quickly came to the conclusion that the C should stand for Communication and from here we started to think about what the letters K and I could stand for, on the understanding that it should also be possible to translate it into English. So it became Kien (being good at something) In Communication and in English Keen In Communication (it should actually be Keen At Communication but then you got KAC). π
On February 5, 2007, the articles of association were ready and everything was recorded by a civil-law notary and SV KIC was born. Ingmar became chairman of the founding board and Jesca became secretary. Sanne Taks replaced me as treasurer because I went to study for my Erasmus program in Budapest. On February 8, 2007, the first activity we held was a gala for all students of the Institute. We organized this together with SaΓ―dia, a foundation for international students who studied IC (unfortunately no longer exists).
The first board was formed by Loes Bruin, Madelin Hiddingh and Martin Terpstra. They were partly responsible for the introduction week of the previous year, which at the time was still organized by the Institute itself. This was also the first year that we got committees and I immediately became an active member of "my" own association. Over the years I have been on many committees but I started in the acquisitions committee. Later I also sat on the travel committee, activities committee, conference committee and on the financial committee.
The following year I took on a board year myself together with Rike Pepping (and later Andrea Isaak and Martijn van Steenbeek joined). In this year we also set up a supervisory body, the Supervisory Board. This later became a more advisory body (RvA) and later it was combined to what is now the RvAT.
I myself was active within the association until 2017. In the beginning as a board member and later as an active member in various committees. In recent years I have worked together with Martin and Rike in the RvAT. In February 2017 I officially said goodbye to SV KIC during an ALV. I became increasingly busy with my own company and I thought it was also time for new faces within the RvAT. All in all, I have devoted myself to KIC for ten years and I genuinely enjoyed doing it. I am proud that I have been appointed honorary member together with Martin and Rike. I have made many friendships from my time at KIC and it was an unforgettable time as an active member. I am also quite proud to see that after 15 years (third lustrum) the association is still doing so well and that there are many active members who are genuinely organizing fun social and study-related activities.