Active member activity
Tuesday november 6th, 7:00pm, Freestyle Motion.
The first active member activity is here, slowly but surely the members gather on a remote parking lot on the outskirts of Groningen to spend the evening jumping around on trampolines. Many members seem completely depraved of energy, the midterms are ruthless as ever. The massive attendance shows that the members view this activity as an escape from the endless studying, even if it’s only for two hours. Daan Heijnen, chairman of the social activities committee (saco), is looking forward to tonight. Despite his inability to do some jumping himself due to his ankle injury, he would like to see someone do two backflips and a corkscrew. This night has the potential to become a wonderful memory.
However, the first disappointment was right around the corner. Upon entering the building, the members were told that the beer tap was on lockdown, the permit for serving alcoholic beverages wasn’t approved yet. This forced many members to extend the evening into the city centre, more specifically to De Brouwerij afterwards. Despite the lack of some liquid courage the KIC members managed to establish a good atmosphere. As soon as everyone came out of the changing rooms wearing their brand new anti-slip socks, everybody was in a banging mood.
Wearing their sporty outfits, everybody was finally ready to go on an adventure. Tijs Ots (saco), who finally brcame an active member at KIC, felt hyped up: “I might go for some flips, who knows. I think everything comes in time”. Go with the flow was the theme of the evening.
The members spent some time making high jumps, (half-decent) frontflips and climbing several constructions. Some people were having a hard time dealing with the intense exercise. Some were exhausted after about five minutes because of the lack of a decent physical condition, others were having issues with their recent meals coming up again. Jessy Wever, (studio KIC): “I’m having a great time but I’m having trouble keeping down the gnocchi I devoured a couple hours ago”. Thessa Meinema (career committee) is also having a hard time: “Just a few minutes ago I chowed down a pizza that was as big as myself! There was so much ham on that thing, no wonder I’m a bit sick”.
After about an hour, pretty much everyone had planted their butts on the trampolines, relaxing instead of exercising. It’s becoming clear that physical condition is quite a challenge to maintain while being busy with a full time education. Except for a few fanatics, the biggest part of the delegation had thrown in the towel, partly to spare their energy for the rest of the night, for this was a special night. Daan Heijnen (saco chairman), was also having his birthday! For the larger part of the group, this was reason enough to keep the physical strain at a manageable level to allow for a long night of consuming redneck wine.
The organiser of the trip, Maja Pavić (coordinator internal affairs), let us know in an interview: “I’m happy with the result, this evening was a success. I primarily like seeing the first-year members getting to know each other and the rest of the members!”.
There is only one conclusion to be drawn from this evening; everybody enjoyed this delightful evening with the active members of the association and everybody will be looking forward to seeing each other soon again.
Twan Mulder & David Oost - Editorial committee

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