Active member activity: 'Karaoke'
Thursday january 17th 21:00
Nobody is born with a singing talent, even well-known artists started out as out of tune sirens. Vocal skills require a lot of practise. This has become very clear on the evening of the 17th of January. Karaoke bar Sing Along had been rented out bij study association KIC to blast some great songs through the microphones. Intern coördinator Maja Pavić thought it would be a great idea to treat the members to an evening of vocal acrobatics.
Everyone was expected at 21:00 in the building located on the Peperstraat, upon entrance the board made sure everyone was taken care of with an aperitive to speed up the atmospheric development. As soon as the collective was completely present and comfortable, the first thing on the menu was served: an appetizer from the KIC board. The broadly cherished song ‘Unwritten’ by Natasha Bedingfield was performed in a relatively well-practised manner. After this moment suprême the evening had officially started.
The following hours were generously filled with musical pieces that varied in notoriety as well as flawlessness of execution. There were some out of tune songs here and there but they couldn’t kill the vibe. There was an ever present realisation the nobody in that building was capable of producing a spotless performance so the one and only goal was entertainment. As always the beer tap was working overtime and the atmosphere was incredible as ever. After a while the alcohol made everyone indifferent towards sloppy performances and every single musical production came across as a world class masterpiece. At a certain moment people began throwing in some guilty pleasures and with that the evening had reached it’s peak.
At 01:00 am the time arrived where the arrangement between KIC and the karaoke bar came to an end. Where reasonable people would have thought of this as the end of the night, the KIC members were unstoppable. The night continued as the crowd scattered over the many bars Groningen has to offer. This spread had no effect on the general feeling after the night. Every single person went home with a feeling of gratitude towards the intern coördinator and an ever greater feeling of brotherhood towards their co-members. It would be the right thing to conclude that everyone had a wonderful time at this second active member activity. See you next time!
David Oost - Redactiecommissie

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