General member activity: Crazy 88
Declaring love to a stranger. Push ups in the supermarket. Chugging a Smirnoff Ice. You almost have to be crazy to do these kinds of things just for fun! Nevertheless, the social activities committee (saco) has succeeded in getting a large group of KIC'ers to do this kind of idiotic activity.
Maybe you’ve heard of it, a Crazy 88. A list with 88 tasks. Each task linked to a number of points. The goal is to score as many points as possible within a certain time frame.
And boy, were a lot of points scored! Our members, standing on the “Grote Markt” were eager to get started. After a wonderful speech by the saco praeses Daco Heijnen, the delegation left quickly to get started on their first assignments. Of course, shameless self-promotion was done wonderfully by assigning a lot of points to liking/following the social media accounts of KIC.
The battle started at seven PM. The group chats were bombarded with photos and videos of all the crazy antics. The first one even more absurd than the last one. Shame is something that was not an option during the course of the evening.
At nine PM we finally collected an ”De Negende Cirkel”. Everyone eagerly awaited the results of the competition. The winning group was able to take a splendid prize in their hands from the saco. Nothing less than an ice cold beverage was waiting for them.
A Crazy 88 is something the saco has never organized before, but this has nevertheless miraculously unpacked. Thank you saco and until the next activity!
Twan Mulder - Editorial committee

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