
Logout to appreciate real activities

It’s tiring: the news about COVID-19. Every day the latest Corona numbers pop up in our notifications and in the group chats, nothing else is talked about anymore. Something you may have noticed is that you have more spare time. Having this time is a good thing, but we have to be careful not to spend too much time online as that's where all our friends and appointments are at the moment. So here are some examples of great offline activities that you might not have thought of yet!

First of all, and perhaps the most obvious one, walking. Since we’re all stuck in a student room or parental home, we start to really appreciate the outdoors again. A walk is the best activity to catch up with all those friends, whom you have only been able to admire through a webcam the past few weeks. Of course, a small walk around the block also helps against laziness and procrastination, which can be an effect of lying on the couch all day. 

A drop in productivity can also be caused by missing your weekly cup of coffee at the KIC office. The second cup of coffee is already waiting for you, even before you get the chance to sit down and relax. At home this is unfortunately not the case. You will have to make the coffee yourself. To get your coffee as tasty as it is at the office, you can experiment with different kinds of flavors. There are a lot of different kinds of coffee with multiple unique or even tropical flavours. Where you would normally drink a craft beer on the terrace, you can now learn to make your own special coffee!

After all these experiments and the different types of coffee you have tried, the caffeine may have made your head spin. Time to put this energy into redecorating your room! This can make you appreciate your room in a new way. Spend some extra time redecorating your workplace for example, as you probably noticed that you’re spending most of your day here. By furnishing a special corner for this, you make a clear distinction between 'working time' and 'leisure time'.

If you feel like an offline project that requires a bit more time, think about starting your own herb garden. Many students are cooking more extensively now than before the Corona-era. Normally, we students don't get any further than a pasta pesto. Since we're all stuck at home, there is plenty of time left to create a culinary dish. A herb garden in your kitchen can take these meals to an even higher level. All you need are seeds of your favourite herbs, such as basil, parsley, thyme, chives and some flowerpots, which you might have to order online. Even after setting up your own herb garden you won't get bored easily. Remember to check if they need water daily!

You may already have found a new activity of your own. Hopefully this is something without a mobile phone, tablet or laptop. The activities above show that you certainly don't always need them! Put your devices aside and immerse yourself in something new, so you can tell your friends about it later in the day, online.

Daan Heijnen - Editorial committee Study Association KIC

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