Pub quiz Wolthoorn & Co
Study association KIC doesn’t exclusively organize social activities for her members, KIC also functions as some kind of community which helps students with study related business. Besides direct help, like for example the workshops, KIC also works hard to bring students and teachers at our institute closer together. With this intention in mind, a pub quiz was organized by the social activities committee last February.
All participants were expected at 07:30 PM at Wolthoorn & Co on the Turftorenstraat. All teams were asked to try and get a teacher to come along with their team, this went better than expected. All nine teams arrived in significant numbers, with a lot of teachers at their side. The attendance was successful to say the least. The board even had to move to a table outside of the reserved room due to a lack of space.
As soon as everybody settled down and had ordered a drink, the quiz, led by presenter Daan Heijnen, kicked off. The diverse rounds of questions were loaded with fanaticism and the competitiveness was ever so present. The beers flowed with excess and the atmosphere was at an unbelievable high. Everybody was eager to show off their knowledge by winning the quiz but the focus seemed to be concentrated on making sure everybody had a great evening. The travel committee ultimately took first place and was adequately rewarded with a box of assorted chocolates. The editorial committee took third place due to foul play by the jury. Nevertheless, everybody had a wonderful time. This was an evening to be looked back upon with joy by students as well as teachers.
David Oost – Editorial committee

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